Savings AccountAsavingsaccountisabasictypeofbankaccountthatallowsyoutodepositmoney,keepitsafe,and withdraw funds, all while earning interest. Key Benifits:* Self Operated Account.* Withdraw any time, how much you want.* Deposit when you have more money to save.* Nomination Facility.* Cheque Book Facility.* Mobile Banking.* RTGS/NEFT Facility.* IMPS Facility* SMS Notifications on transactions, so that to keep track on your transaction on your hand.* UPI Fiacitlity* Safe Deposit Locker FacilityFixed Deposit AccountAfixeddeposit(FD)isafinancialinstrumentwhichprovidesinvestorsahigherrateofinterestthana regular savings account, until the given maturity date.Our Rate of Interest on FD’s:(Revised on: 01/01/2023)Term Deposits:31 Days to 90 Days : 3.50% 3.50% (Senior Citizens)91 Days to 180 Days : 4.00% 4.50% (Senior Citizens)181 Days to 365 Days : 4.75% 5.25% (Senior Citizens)366 Days to 2 Years : 5.75% 6.25% (Senior Citizens)Above 2 Years to 3 Years : 6.25% 6.75% (Senior Citizens)Above 3 years : 6.75% 7.25% (Senior Citizens)Special Deposit Scheme:Jan Ram Deposit : 8.00%(For 5 Years) Sahara Deposit : 7.25%(For 1000 Days)For Special Depost Schemes senior citizen benefit of 0.50% interest is Not ApplicableOur Deposits are covered upto 5 Lakhs under DICGCRecuring DepositArecurringdepositisaspecialkindoftermdepositwhichhelppeoplewithregularincomestodeposit afixedamounteverymonthintotheirrecurringdepositaccountandearninterestattherate applicable to fixed deposits.Our Rate of Interest on RD’s: (Revised on: ____________)1 to 2 year : _____________2 year and above : _____________LoansAloaniswhenmoneyisgiventoanotherpartyinexchangeforrepaymentoftheloanprincipal amountplusinterest.Loantermsareagreedtobyeachpartybeforeanymoneyisadvanced.Aloan may be secured by collateral such as a mortgage or it may be unsecured.Types of Loan Available:Personal LoanMortgage LoanHousing LoanHypothecation LoanLoan against Gold OrnamentsLoan and Secured OverdraftLoan on NSC